Camp Information

AGES: Our program is for children, ages 3-11.

HOURS: Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 3:00pm..

LOCATION: Camp is located at 795 Birch Ave, Kelowna.

COMMUNICATION: We strongly encourage close communication between the camp staff and parents. Please be alert to any emails you receive as to changes to our schedule. Please don’t hesitate to call should the need arise, 250-317-4088. In case of emergency, please call Rabbi Shmuly’s cell, 250-575-5384. We will have a camp Whatsapp group, for those on Whatsapp to keep you informed and share pictures throughout the day.

PUNCTUALITY: Children should not be dropped off earlier than 15 min before the start of camp. Please be sure that your child arrives on time, as our day begins with morning lineup, where important information about the day is shared with the children. Children should be picked up promptly at 3:00pm. There will be a sign out sheet for parents or guardians set up inside the gate in the front yard. Please sign your child/ren in and out when you drop them off and pick them up.

DRESS CODE: All campers must wear their camp T-shirts on field trip days.

TZEDAKAH: Tzedakah (charity) is a concept that is fundamental to Judaism. Our camp attempts to develop a commitment among our campers to share with others less fortunate than themselves by donating a few pennies every day to charity. Parents are asked to provide young children with a few coins daily for Tzedakah.

FOOD: All snacks and lunches will be provided by the camp. Please do not send any food with your children. Please do send a water bottle with your child. 

Water Fun: Please send a bathing suit and towel, along with sunscreen, with your child every day to camp.

MEDICAL POLICY: If your child is sick, please do not send him/her to camp. If your child has a fever you will be contacted to pick him/her up. Please make sure he/she is fever-free for 24 hours before returning to camp. Scrapes and abrasions will be cleansed with soap and antiseptic and a band aid will be applied. Camp maintains a first aid kit. If your child contracts a contagious condition, please notify the camp. In the event of an emergency, the parents will immediately be notified and the child will be taken to the nearest hospital unless otherwise specified on their medical form. If the parents cannot be reached, the emergency contact will be notified.

POLICY : We do not permit your camper to bring electronics, books, expensive toys, etc. to camp. Camp Gan Israel supplies everything campers may need.

WHAT TO SEND TO CAMP: Please send the following to camp with your child daily. All items must be labeled.

  • Sunscreen (please apply before camp, we will reapply as needed)

  • Athletic shoes

  • Tzedakah (charity)

  • Water bottle

  • Swimsuit and towel

  • Camp T-shirt (mandatory on trip days) 

Looking forward to an amazing two weeks with your children filled with fun, joy and Jewish pride.